Passenger Welcomes TreeEra

We cherish the sense of stillness that nature gives us. But nature never sits still — it pulses with its unknowable, ceaseless energy. The rhythmic power of surf. Shifting, rustling forest canopies. The silent movement of silver fog over crisp mountain lakes. There’s an undeniable rhythm to the wild. Our Waves and Trees program comes out of our reverence for that harmonic resonance — planting a tree for every order is how we translate our love for the wild into positive action.

That’s why we’re proud to partner with TreeEra — a profit-for-good company dedicated to preserving Western Canadian forests. From the moment we learned about TreeEra’s unique, subscription-based tree-planting service, we fell in love with the possibilities of working together. Like our partnership with hometree in Ireland, we’ve laid down roots abroad to get more trees into the ground.

Co-founders Ryan and Michael started TreeEra in 2016. TreeEra provides a simple way for anyone to get involved with climate change. The key here is accessibility — by signing up for a monthly subscription, TreeEra plants hundreds or thousands of trees on behalf of individuals and organizations.

The other part? Differentiation — TreeEra make a distinct effort to bring a unique, stylized approach to the necessarily serious realm of climate change. Doing so, Ryan and Michael suggest, is the best way to reach a broader, younger, and more diverse audience. We couldn’t agree more — take a look at their Instagram, and you’ll see why the TreeEra name has spread so quickly.

TreeEra is based in Calgary, Alberta — a bit of an enigma of a place. On one hand, it’s the hub of Canada’s energy industry. Yet at the same time, it lies amidst world-class and diverse wilds — rolling prairie fields, deep green forests, emerald lakes, towering Rocky Mountain peaks. Home to a bustling outdoor community, the sublime places that surround Calgary infuse the people that inhabit the area. Maybe that’s why Ryan and Michael have been met with strong support for TreeEra from within the Calgary community and beyond. Either way, we’re excited to help spread the word.

Partnering with TreeEra allows us to make positive change happen in Canada. Because, the truth is, we love Canada. It’s a place deeply linked to the Passenger brand and ethos. We’ve all spent time exploring the vast, diverse Canadian wilderness in pretty much every way imaginable — by boat, by car, by board, by foot. Passenger founders Rich and Alexa’s journey through the Canadian backcountry helped inform our Waves and Trees program — an essential component of our brand. Because of that, TreeEra felt like a natural fit.

When it comes to the environment, the notion of positive change can be overwhelming — it’s easy to feel powerless and without direction. That, Ryan and Michael explain, is the distinct appeal of TreeEra — the ability to make positive impact accessible for everyone. Subscription based with ongoing updates about how many trees subscribers have planted, TreeEra gives powerful insight into the change the individual can make — day by day, month by month.

That tactic is working. This past spring, TreeEra subscriptions planted over 12,000 trees in a British Columbia area recently devastated by wildfires. Right now, TreeEra is currently acquiring permits for future plants throughout Western Canada and the US — ensuring thousands more trees in the ground for years to come.
For us, TreeEra represents a continuation of escapism — the ethos that sustains us as adventurers, creatives, and individuals. TreeEra ensures the rhythm and pace of the natural places we love. They sustain the places we seek to escape and replenish, the wilds we roam. In a complicated world, TreeEra provide a simple means for individuals to enact real change.

And our exciting partnership is only just getting started. So far, the Waves and Trees program has put 500 TreeEra saplings in the ground — and we’ve got a long way to go.. As a brand situated “across the pond,” we’re stoked to help TreeEra spread the word to audiences across the Atlantic and beyond, and to make that number grow. Be sure to hit them up on Instagram (@TreeEra), and get signed up at