Kleine Geschenke
Passenger’s Small Gifts collection features compact and functional items ideal for adventurers...
Leben im Freien
Für diese Lagerfeuer im Kiefernwald, abendliche Strandgrillfeste und Kaffeepausen mitten im Nirgendwo...
Recycelte Baumwolle
Discover our recycled cotton clothing. Responsibly made fusing a mix of production...
Recycled Polyester
Explore recycled polyester clothing. Durable, lightweight gear made from recycled materials.
Schnee Accessoires
Prepare for any winter adventure with Passenger’s collection of snow accessories. Thoughtfully...
Schneejacken & Schneehosen
Gear up for winter with snow jackets and pants designed for explorers...
Snow & Winter Base Layers
Experience unmatched warmth and comfort with Passenger’s snow and winter base layers....
Snow & Winter Mid-Layers
Discover the perfect balance of warmth and breathability with Passenger’s snow and...