

Mach's dir gemütlich & streife umher

Freunde und Botschafter von Passenger, Lets Be Nomads, haben ihre Flotte an abenteuerlustigen Hostels auf Rädern erweitert. Der 'Nomads Trooper' ist mit recycelten Passenger-Stoffen und Ausrüstung ausgestattet und bereit für...

Mach's dir gemütlich & streife umher

Freunde und Botschafter von Passenger, Lets Be Nomads, haben ihre Flotte an abenteuerlustigen...


Entspannen Sie sich, Vol. 14

For the roamers, thinkers, day-dreamers, and wanderers. Our monthly roundup of inspiration, sounds and good vibes straight from the dusty trail. HAIDA GWAII "There’s a place far from here, beyond...

Entspannen Sie sich, Vol. 14

For the roamers, thinkers, day-dreamers, and wanderers. Our monthly roundup of inspiration, so...


Entkommen Vol. 13

Für die Streuner, Denker, Tagträumer und Wanderer. Unser monatlicher Überblick über Inspiration, Klänge und gute Vibes direkt vom staubigen Pfad. INSPIRIERT VON... "Im Herzen von Passenger stehen drei Dinge. Sie...

Entkommen Vol. 13

Für die Streuner, Denker, Tagträumer und Wanderer. Unser monatlicher Überblick über Inspirati...

Haida Gwaii

Haida Gwaii

There’s a place far from here, beyond the seas and over countless mountain ranges where time has little meaning. A place wild at heart, unfamiliar and remote in the truest...

Haida Gwaii

There’s a place far from here, beyond the seas and over countless mountain ranges where time h...


Von... inspiriert

At the heart of Passenger is three things. They keep us going, foster creativity and inspire everything we do. What could be better than a road trip to the ocean...

Von... inspiriert

At the heart of Passenger is three things. They keep us going, foster creativity and inspire ev...

Bags & Packs: For Travel & Escapism

Taschen & Rucksäcke: Für Reisen & Entspannung

Designed for travel, crafted for escapism and made to roam. Wherever you go, our 2019 bags, packs and travel accessories range is right there with you, trip after trip. Whether...

Taschen & Rucksäcke: Für Reisen & Entspannung

Designed for travel, crafted for escapism and made to roam. Wherever you go, our 2019 bags, pa...


Unsere Nachhaltigkeitsreise

Reducing our impact as a company and as individuals is embroidered into the story of Passenger since the beginning. It's a topic that drives the decisions we make on a...

Unsere Nachhaltigkeitsreise

Reducing our impact as a company and as individuals is embroidered into the story of Passenger ...

Hybrid Shorts: For Land & Sea

Hybrid Shorts: Für Land und Meer

Our hybrid shorts are for land and water adventures, waves, trees, mountains and all the journeys in between. Heading to the beach, hiking, hitting the road or just hanging out...

Hybrid Shorts: Für Land und Meer

Our hybrid shorts are for land and water adventures, waves, trees, mountains and all the journ...

Slow n Steady Livin'

Langsam und gemütlich leben

Friends of Passenger Matt & Steph spend their days road tripping Europe and beyond in Ivy, a 96’ Iveco with soul. Slowing it down, embracing the simple life and catching...

Langsam und gemütlich leben

Friends of Passenger Matt & Steph spend their days road tripping Europe and beyond in Ivy, ...

When It All Comes Together

Wenn alles zusammenkommt

Passenger ambassador Barry Mottershead lives a life dedicated to salt water escapism. No stranger to larger than life swell, his days are spent carving a name into Mullaghmore folklore. We...

Wenn alles zusammenkommt

Passenger ambassador Barry Mottershead lives a life dedicated to salt water escapism. No strang...

#MadeToRoam Community

#MadeToRoam Community

April 2019 Wir schätzen es, dass Sie uns auf Ihren Reisen begleiten. Jeden Monat reflektieren wir in unserer #madetoroam Community über Ihre Reisen, Abenteuer und Ausflüge. Geschichten von Flucht und...

#MadeToRoam Community

April 2019 Wir schätzen es, dass Sie uns auf Ihren Reisen begleiten. Jeden Monat reflektie...

Around The Fire With Ella The Tug

Um das Feuer mit Ella dem Schlepper herum

The wilds of Canada are a founding inspiration to Passenger. Few people have embraced alternative living as much as Bourton Scott. Van-lifer, cabin dweller and currently residing in Ella the...

Um das Feuer mit Ella dem Schlepper herum

The wilds of Canada are a founding inspiration to Passenger. Few people have embraced alternati...