We’re not here to tell you how to escape the 9 - 5 noise, but we can help to supply the active outdoor gear to get you out of there. Away from the humdrum and artificial lights to an open trailhead, yoga retreat, run route, or local watering hole.
Not to pigeonhole your chosen romp in the wild, but to sketch out a set of gear combos that might be better suited to say a trail runner over a city stroller or rural roamer. Picture this…
The alarm has sounded, the curtains opened and the coffee poured. The day awaits. What’s the occasion?
Full-Day Hike

A warm sun, slight breeze, and open trail snaking away to the horizon line. Your water bottle is full, your legs fresh, and your pack prepped. What could be better? If this sounds like the dream escape, with trail markers and a compass point directing your day, then let's get you layered up.
On the bottom, we recommend the Fresh Air 2.0 Recycled Leggings. They’re full-length, made from recycled yarn with a moisture-wicking finish, plus they’re super stretchy and comfortable for longer hikes. The Drift Trouser or Traveller All-Purpose Short are great alternatives for guys, giving you an all-weather option and one that’s more suited to coastal adventures where a quick dip may be on the itinerary.
Combine the Aurora Recycled Active Tee with a Wilder Polartec® Fleece and you’ve got a breathable, moisture-wicking base layer beneath a toasty, technical mid. Here we’ve partnered with legends of the outdoor game, Polartec®, renowned for their fleeces that last a lifetime of meaningful escapism.
Up top, we’d then go for the Shasta for those dewy mornings, blustery days, and cooler evenings when the sun bows below the horizon line. This is a microlite insulated jacket with a water-resistant coating, ideal for when an extra layer of protection is required.
Yoga Flow

A setting for mindful movement, headspace, and for many of us, an essential supplement to outdoor pursuits. Yoga is a great way to synch up your body and mind, washing away the stresses of everyday life. Bonus points for an ocean backdrop.
Alongside a mat and water bottle, we recommend our Mantra Recycled Active Leggings. We’ve improved the waistband, making it deeper for an even better fit, with the print giving a subtle nod to possible future pursuits.

Pair these with our Breezy Recycled Active Vest to finish the look. This lightweight active layer features recycled moisture-wicking fabric, a relaxed fit with scooped hem and side slits for that extra easy feel. If you’re in need of an added layer, look no further than the Hatha Recycled Active Top.
Run Route

If it’s a techy trail, quick 5k over lunch, or a local park run - we’re big advocates for lacing up and getting outside. Running is all about staying loose, in rhythm, and embracing the simple joy of movement. Let’s gear up.
For men, we love the look of the Descent Trail Short and Classic Active Tee combo. This provides a solid base of lightweight materials, moisture-wicking finish, and breathability. You’ve also got the option to mix and match with a few different colour options. Not forgetting the Beyond 5 Panel Cap for your bonce. Sorted.

For women, we have a similar pairing in the Roundtrip Trail Short and Aurora Recycled Active Tee. Expect an oversized fit with back print, reflective sleeve patch and a recycled moisture-wicking finish. The Roundtrip in ‘Watermelon’ is a real crowd favourite for staying visible when out and about on the trails.
Climbing Wall

Whether you’re mapping out a techy route, drilling down on the basics, or looking for a new way to stay active, we’re well into our climbing era here at Passenger HQ. With that, comes a few pieces made with ascents, crags, and chalk-bags in mind.
As mentioned, we’ve made a few updates to both the Mantra Active Leggings and Shorts, with a deeper waistband that sits a little more comfortably when up on the wall. The more relaxed fit of our Lotus Recycled Active LS Top also makes shifting your body and reaching for holds a whole lot easier.

For downtime off the wall or when you’re scouting out routes in the wild, the Slope Hooded Recycled Fleece is a solid option. It can be layered under a jacket or smock and even has thumb holes to keep those digits toasty between sends.
There’s so much to gain from a little movement. Heading outside, embracing the weather, and taking the long route home. You’re sure in for some stunner sunsets, good feelings, and future stories. Why not share them with us? #MyEscapism