"Passenger began as a pipe-dream 10 years ago in the back of a beat-up T4 campervan called Douglas Fir. It’s been one hell of a ride filled with amazing people, highs, lows and some real stories in between."
We’re truly grateful to the community that has grown around us, all the roamers and dreamers out there who share our values. Time flies when you’re having fun and we’ve had a blast doing it our way.
Here’s to 10 more years of prioritising play, getting lost in our passions, connecting with nature, finding wellbeing and protecting the outdoors together.

"For me, really, escapism is about… In a busy life and a busy digital world, seek more than the 9-5, find that pocket of space to escape, to switch off and just unplug to recharge."
"Ten years of Passenger, wow. What’s happened in 10 years… There’s lots of stories that could be told, but probably one the best thing about Passenger is the team, the people we’ve met on the journey and all the situations we’ve shared together.
That’s our staff, that’s myself, that’s my wife, that’s our community. They’re at the core of what Passenger stands for and why it’s here today."

"I mean, it’s humbling and awesome to think that from a crazy idea 10 years ago… wow. The next 10 years? I’m still just digesting the last 10 years to be honest!
Yeah we’ll keep challenging, moving forwards and doing it all with a smile on our faces I hope."